This Coming School Year, Open up a New World of Learning for Your 2-Year-Old! - Chicago North Shore Moms

ParkSchool is a fresh new concept in early childhood education that combines modern education methods with the expertise in recreation and access to the natural world that only the Park District of Highland Park can provide. Our educational staff and recreational professionals deliver a new level of learning, with the goal of preparing them for success in kindergarten. Listen to what some of our ParkSchool parents have to say…



A Day at ParkSchool

The sounds of giggles and the buzz of activity fill every nook and cranny at ParkSchool. Youngsters are engaged in STREAM activities, which include science, technology, recreation, engineering, art, and math. Your child builds confidence and independence, loves learning through hands-on exploration, and improves fine and gross motor skills.



Fitting Your Family’s Needs
ParkSchool offers streamlined options that fit your busy schedule.  At the Park District of Highland Park, morning classes (9:15am-12:15pm) are available on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday during the school year: August 28, 2023 – May 23, 2024*.

Does Your Child Qualify?

Your child must be 2 years old by September 1, 2023 to attend the program.

Schedule Your ParkSchool Tour

Amanda Geoffrion, Early Childhood Supervisor, offers 15-minute tours during the following: Tuesdays between 1:30-3pm Thursdays between 10am-12pm Fridays between 10-11am If interested in a tour, complete the form here.


If you have questions about the ParkSchool Program at the Park District of Highland Park, contact Amanda Geoffrion at [email protected].

*Registration for this program includes the entire school year, from August 28, 2023 through May 23, 2024.

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