Chicago North Shore Moms is bringing you a Small Business Spotlight on the wonderfully high spirited and even keeled Terese Wallen. The Glenview mom of five left a corporate life in search of a more fulfilling career in entrepreneurship. In 2016 she founded a life-coaching business, Ms. BigShot, which is built on the foundation of helping women bring fulfillment to their own lives. Terese proudly explains, “I help women realize old beliefs, social norms, and personal roadblocks that hold us back… and turn that old thinking into taking charge of their “Big Shot.” Whatever stage of life you’re currently in, we hope getting to know Terese helps you realize your thirst for taking charge of your success. Welcome, Terese!
Hi Terese! We’re so happy to meet you! Please introduce yourself.
Hi, I’m Terese Wallen! I am a native Chicagoan. I grew up in Melrose Park and currently live in Glenview. I am a mother of 5 and a proud owner of a business, Ms. BigShot. Our family was raised in Glenview because it offered so many things – outstanding schools, family-friendly community, wonderful park district filled with many types of activities and thriving downtown area. We also loved that it was located in the North Shore but only 15 miles from downtown Chicago!
Please introduce your endeavor at Ms. BigShot. Please tell our audience what you specialize in and how long you’ve been established.
Ms. BigShot was born after working in a corporate position for years, feeling constrained by the 9-5, limited vacation time, and lack of control over my financial success.
I had this inner voice that was nudging me. It was telling me there was something more for me but I wasn’t sure what.
After taking time for self-discovery, I decided to jump into entrepreneurship and start a business that utilizes my strengths and gifts to help women listen to that inner voice, discover what they truly want, and then give them a process to create it.
I know when a woman feels fulfilled and excited about her life, her energy is contagious and has a rippling effect in her relationships, family and in the community. I help women take their “Big Shot” in creating whatever they want with the help of coaching, courses, and self-discovery. This idea bloomed in 2016 and I have never looked back.
When and how did you first get introduced to the world of the online world and coaching?
I got my coaching certificate 20 years ago before it was mainstream. I always had a desire to help women excel. Coaching was the perfect way to help women do this. Then I spent several years following and studying success through mentors such as Jack Canfield, Dale Carnegie, and Mary Morrissey. I learned techniques and methods to work with my brain and show others how to challenge beliefs that can keep us all stuck. I used this knowledge and training to create Women Empowered in 2016, which guided groups of women thru real estate investing. From this I expanded the idea that women do their best when they collaborate to help each other toward their goals. Today, Ms. BigShot is helping women realize their dreams.
What can future clients expect with regards to your courses and life coaching sessions? Please tell us what it’s like from that first phone call to that client growing wings and flying free 🙂
Ms. Bigshot starts with the process of realizing old beliefs, social norms, and personal roadblocks that hold us back, often without realizing they exist. Through mindwork exercises clients get crystal clear on what lifestyle they want to create. Then we build a customized, step by step plan to achieve this lifestyle. We also provide ongoing support to keep them moving forward to creating a life they love.
What has been your proudest moment?
There have been so many. Here’s one story: One of my clients was feeling stuck in her life. Her kids were in college and she was asking herself, “Now What?”. I recall her sharing how uncomfortable she felt when going to dinner parties and everyone was talking about “their thing” and she had nothing to share.
She attended the She Created a Life She Loved Workshop and then began the Kick Start coaching program. Through this program she identified a passion for investing as “her thing”. She went on to get her real estate license, invested in real estate, and started a women’s real estate investing group. Today, she continues to invest, has time to golf, travel and enjoy family and friends. She recently told me this is the best time of her life. She is having fun, making money and has tons to share at dinner parties.
You can achieve this at any stage of your life!
What was the most difficult road block you encountered with regards to starting your business and/or opening your doors for the first time?
My biggest challenge was letting go of beliefs about what entrepreneurship looked like, who I needed to be, to be a successful entrepreneur. I practiced mindwork techniques to learn how to trust my inner voice, to have faith that I will figure it out, and that the journey to launching my business was where the magic would happen.
How does Ms. BigShot continue to grow?
I recently launched a membership that gives women a variety of tools, coaching and community, to continue to build on the momentum they receive from the coaching programs. The membership provides a sense of community that women thrive in. I’m really excited to see how the members collaborate, support and encourage each other to go after their dreams.
Who would you like to thank for the formation of Ms. BigShot possible and why?
Gosh, when you go after your dreams, there are so many people that show up and help you along your journey. The first has to be my husband for believing in my dream even though he wasn’t really sure what it was going to look like.
I also attribute much of my success to my mentor, a Cognitive Behavioral Therapist who was the first person to introduce me to the power of my mind.
I also attribute my success to many of the women who have come before me and launched successful online companies that incorporate their passion, gifts and knowledge. They are true inspirations!
Tell us about your workshop, “She Created a Life She Loves,” coming up on Thursday, April 21, 2022!
“She Created a Life She Loves” workshop was designed to start women on their road of self-discovery. To open their eyes to what’s possible for them. The course helps women discover or rediscover their dreams, interests and talents and how to build a lifestyle that supports them. I hope you’ll join me in discovering your new path! Learn more about attending this workshop here.
How can our readers get in touch with you for more information about how to get started?
Please visit my website at There you can explore our offerings in coaching, membership, and courses. Please reach out and say hi via Instagram DM me @msbigshot_co or email me at [email protected]. I can’t wait to meet you!