Blog | Chicago North Shore Moms

10 Social Skills Unplugged for Your Digitally Focused Child!

Winter break is wrapping up, and with that, a whole bunch of parent-guilt about just how much screen time your child(ren) experienced over the last few weeks. If the kids aren’t playing a video game, chances are they are watching a YouTube video that has someone...

Time to Think Outside the (Lunch) Box, by Anna Gass

Every day seems like a race to the finish and early in the morning, without fail, we face a dreaded challenge…school lunch. Now you might get a reprieve on pizza day or maybe chicken fingers are a favorite but inevitably a few days a week, your kids want bag lunch. So...

An Easy Baked Eggnog Oatmeal Recipe That All Will Love!

For many of us, the next few weeks will involve houseguests. A super simple and quick recipe can give you time to enjoy coffee with your guests instead of feeling like a short order cook. We love this baked oatmeal recipe from Kath Younger, RD, of KathEats. After...

Eva Amurri Martino’s Champagne Cocktail Recipe

Eva Amurri Martino—the blogger behind Happily Eva After—loves putting together classic Christmas cocktail parties, which she says satisfies her annual case of holiday nostalgia. They also fit the bill for the perfect New Year’s Eve celebration! Martino has...

Holiday Stress: How to Cope

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Or…is it? The truth is that many individuals have a difficult time during the holiday season. The fantasy of a cookie-cutter perfect holiday experience can be derailed by the pressures of family gatherings, finances,...

Recipe: The Perfect Appetizer for the Holidays!

Regular contributor and chef, Anna Gass of the Heirloom Kitchen, shares an easy go to holiday recipe that is sure to be a crowd pleaser; Brie En Croute!   Anna loves brie and when you wrap it in puff pastry and stuff it with sweet filling, it can’t really get any...

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